Powerlifting Hoax

For many, many months now there has been a picture of a man on the internet with a supposed injury from a Powerlifting event in Pennsylvania. I am writing this to finally close out the thought that this is a true story. I held the chair of Pennsylvania Powerlifting, under the USAPL during this time frame in November of 2002 when they said this injury occurred. No Powerlifting event occurred on this date in the state of Pennsylvania. They stated in the article that it happened at Penn State, which I just happen to be an ex-captain of the Penn State PL team, believe me, no collegiate event happened at Penn State since the event I ran in 2001.

Now I read this story and saw this very graphic picture and laughed. I couldn't believe someone would go to such great lengths. Even the fact to rationalize why the lifter what stuck in a squat position, while his anus was blown out, of which they thought it would be a great idea to take a picture of.

But even this last week I have seen this picture pop it's ugly head up, with people getting worried about it happening to them or something of shock and awe of the picture. I have to give it to the person who did this picture. You have created something that lasted more the a day. and now you have wasted 15 minute of my time. Good job!

Steve Mann